We meet at 11 AM every Sunday. We try and make this time together meaningful and relevant to professionals who may like to explore Jesus and enriching for followers of Jesus.

Join our GAP Groups. We come into Gospel Application Groups to love Jesus more, so that we can go back out and love the city more

His Word is life. Find out how New City Church’s Community Bible Reading (CBR) plan can help you


Mrudula Sathe

“I’ve been working as an actor ever since I was 12 years old. And I fiercely pursued success and victory in every thing I did. But every time an ad or a film failed to release, I felt helpless and dejected. read more…

Steven Kanga

For a long time, I had a successful career on the outside and low self-esteem on the inside. I struggled to forgive and I also got used to playing the victim as it heightened my sense of self-worth. read more…


Sarita Khisty

Sarita Khisty

When I first walked into New City Church over 2 years back, I was pleasantly surprised and slightly intimidated by the confident, beautiful and talented women I met. read more…

Madhubanti Dutta

Madhubanti Dutta

When I walked into New City Church about a year ago, I was sinking deep into a crisis of faith. By then, I had spent a year trying to ‘prove’ Christ to a friend. read more…